early retirement

In today’s corporate environment, cost cutting, restructuring, and downsizing are becoming the unfortunate norm, 一些雇主能够为他们的员工提供提前退休方案,以避免日后可能出现的裁员. 但是你怎么知道你收到的这份看起来很有吸引力的工作是不是一份好工作呢? By evaluating it carefully to make sure that the offer fits your needs.

How to Evaulatuate An Early Retirement Offer


What’s the severance package?

大多数提前退休的提议都包括遣散费,遣散费是根据你的年薪和在公司的服务年限而定的. For example, 你的雇主可能会为你每工作一年提供一到两个星期的工资(甚至一个月的工资). 确保遣散费足以让你过渡到生活的下一个阶段. Also, make sure that you understand the payout options available to you. 你可以一次性领取遣散费,然后将这笔钱用于投资,以提供收入, or use it to meet large expenses. Or, 你可以在几年内延期付款,以分散你的所得税账单上的钱.

How does all of this affect your pension?

If your employer has a traditional pension plan, the retirement benefits you receive from the plan are based on your age, years of service, and annual salary. 你通常必须工作到公司的正常退休年龄(通常是65岁)才能获得最大的福利. 这意味着如果你接受提前退休的提议,你可能会得到更少的福利. 这种减少的养老金与全额养老金之间的差距可能很大, because pension benefits typically accrue faster as you near retirement. However, 你的雇主可能会为你提供更多的养老金福利,直到你在62岁开始领取社会保障. Or, your employer might boost your pension benefits by adding years to your age, length of service, or both. 这些类型的养老金福利是你在雇主的报价中寻找的关键特征——特别是如果减少的养老金不能给你带来足够的收入.

Does the offer include health insurance?

你的雇主提供的提前退休是否包括你和你家人的医疗保险? If not, look at your other health insurance options, such as COBRA, a private policy,  dependent coverage through your spouse’s employer-sponsored plan, 或通过州或联邦健康保险交易市场购买个人健康保险. Because your health-care costs will probably increase as you age, 如果这些其他选择无法获得或过于昂贵,那么没有医疗保险的offer可能就不值得接受. Even if the offer does include medical coverage, make sure that you understand and evaluate the coverage. Will you be covered for life, or at least until you’re eligible for Medicare? 保险范围是否足够且负担得起(一些雇主可能会削减福利或提高提前退休人员的保费)? If your employer’s coverage doesn’t meet your health insurance needs, you may be able to fill the gaps with other insurance.

What other benefits are available?

Some early retirement offers include employer-sponsored life insurance. This can help you meet your life insurance needs, and the coverage probably won’t cost you much (if anything). However, continued employer coverage is usually limited (e.g.(一年的保险相当于你的年薪)或者根本不提供. 如果你在其他地方已经有足够的人寿保险,这可能不是问题, or if you’re financially secure and don’t need life insurance. Otherwise, weigh your needs against the cost of buying an individual policy. 你也可以将一些旧雇主的保险转换为个人保险, though your premium will be higher than when you were employed.

In addition, a good early retirement offer may include other perks. 你的雇主可能会为你和其他提前退休的人提供财务规划援助. 如果你被提前退休带来的所有财务问题压垮了,这就会派上用场了. 你的雇主也可能提供就业安置援助,帮助你找到其他工作. 如果你有公司的股票期权,你的雇主可能会给你更多的时间来行使它们. Other benefits, such as educational assistance, may also be available. Check with your employer to find out exactly what its offer includes.

Can you afford to retire early?

要决定你是否应该接受提前退休的提议,你不能只看提议本身. You have to consider your total financial picture. Can you afford to retire early? 即使你可以,你还能实现你所有的退休目标吗? 这些都是金融专业人士应该帮你解决的棘手问题, but you can take some basic steps yourself.

确定你的退休收入来源,以及你每年可以从每个来源获得的收入. Then, 估计一下你每年的退休开支(别忘了税收和通货膨胀),确保你的收入足够支付这些开支. 你可能会发现你可以接受雇主的工作,而且可能仍然有你想要的退休生活方式. But remember, these are only estimates. Build in a comfortable cushion in case your expenses increase, your income drops, or you live longer than expected.

If you don’t think you can afford early retirement, it may be better not to accept your employer’s offer. The longer you stay in the workforce, 你的退休时间越短,你需要的钱就越少. Working longer may also allow you to build larger savings in your IRAs, retirement plans, and investments. However, if you really want to retire early, making some smart choices may help you overcome the obstacles. Try to lower or eliminate some of your retirement expenses. Consider a more aggressive approach to investing. Take a part-time job for extra income. Finally, think about electing early Social Security benefits at age 62, but remember that your monthly benefit will be smaller if you do this.

What if you can’t afford to retire? Finding a new job

You may find yourself having to accept an early retirement offer, even though you can’t afford to retire. 弥补你从提前退休计划中收到的钱和你以前的薪水之间的差额的一个方法是找一份新工作, 但这并不意味着你必须放弃以前的工作,去从事新的职业. 你可以从了解你的前雇主是否会雇佣你作为顾问开始. 或者,你可能会发现你想把曾经只是一个爱好变成第二职业. 然后总是有可能在一家新公司找到全职或兼职工作.

However, for the employee who has 20 years of service with the same company, the prospect of job hunting may be terrifying. If you have been out of the job market for a long time, 你可能会觉得不舒服,或者没有为一份新工作推销自己的经验. 一些公司提供职业咨询,帮助员工重返职场. If your company does not provide you with this service, 你可能想看看你所在领域的企业就业介绍公司和非营利组织,它们处理职业过渡问题.

注意:许多提前退休协议包含非竞争协议或提供金钱奖励,条件是你同意不为竞争对手工作. However, 一般来说,你可以为新雇主工作,仍然可以获得养老金和其他退休计划的福利.

What will happen if you say no?

If you refuse early retirement, you may continue to thrive with your employer. You could earn promotions and salary raises that boost your pension. 你可能会得到第二次提前退休,比第一次更好. But, you may not be so lucky.  Consider whether your position could be eliminated down the road.

If the consequences of saying no are hard to predict, use your best judgment and seek professional advice. But don’t take too long. 你可能只有很短的时间窗口,通常是60到90天,来做决定.

At Austin Asset, we are Fee-Only Financial Advisors. 我们寻求通过真实和持久的关系为全国快3信誉最好的老平台带来清晰和目的. For Life.

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